Once upon a time, in a far away land...
we readied ourselves for a trip halfway around the world. We bought train tickets, packed the smallest chess set in the world, grabbed Hemingway (he likes long journeys) and set off. From Kolkata to Jaipur to Delhi (where we spent the night in the airport...and which we emphatically do NOT recommend to anyone) to London to Newark to Westport to New York City back to Westport to Newark to London to Delhi to Kolkata. Fourteen days of utter madness and wicked fun. Here's some snippets of those 14 days, which were two months ago! Ahhh...where does the time go? If you want to see the wonderful brouhaha of Passover, check out Mr. Aaron "I live in Hawaii now" Feinberg's link on our sidebar. He captured some great moments while Josh and I blissed out on good wine, good friends and jet lag.
Josh loves train food soooooo much. Check out the fans that operate precariously close to his head. They're in cages but they still hurt when you wack your skull against one while trying to clamber down from your top bunk to get to the bathroom.
Some of our train neighbors.
The aforementioned chess set...very packable but a bit difficult to maneuver the pieces while rattling along train tracks.
Hemingway!! We love him!!
Claire and her totally decadent cupcake at a classy little cafe in the Big Apple.
In NYC, Josh and I spent a lot of time asking ourselves "Where are all the people? Where are all the cars? And why is everything so tall?"
Alison communing with some intellectually stimulating contemporary art.
We got a classic New England spring (with a classic New England nor'easter at the end of our stay) which was just what we needed...
Not quite sure what Jina's doing here, but I'm sure she has a really good reason for contemplating her fork so intently.
Hey look! We can kiss each other in public!!
The boys kicking back before one of our many hikes in CT. The fresh air and quiet woods felt so luxurious.
And back in India. Our first morning was in the Tibetan enclave in Delhi. We watched the sun rise over temples and a river and men and women out in the fields.

Paz y Amor,

Paz y Amor,
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