Belated Fotos
Well, I had wanted to get these fotos up with the posting about our hike up to the nunnery in Kathmandu, but that didn't happen. And then I wanted to organize the fotos so they were all sequential and whatnot, but that also didn't happen so much. But asi es la vida. Enjoy...
A view of farmland in the Kathmandu valley from a national forest that we hiked through on our way up.
A couple of Nepalis resting by the side of the road. There was also a peanut vendor who sold us some snacks for the trail.
Heading up into the hills. The ridges you see are created by grazing cows roaming over the hillsides.
We didn't make it to the other side of this ridge, but Mike told us you can see the Himalayas when you cross over.
About half-way there...

A small monastary off the trail where a handful of monks live, work and pray.
This little boy was taking very good care of his baby sister. He was thrilled to have his picture taken, but she seemed more suspicious of our strange faces.
Josh taking in the view at the entrance to the nunnery's compound.
Two young nuns taking a break from the puja to bask in the sunshine.
The puja was held inside this building, at the center of the compound.
The sun beginning to set on the hillside.
A couple more shots before we headed down in darkness.

Peace and Love,

Peace and Love,
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