Tuesday, November 14, 2006

and we're here...at last...

Quick post before the computer blinks out on me again and I have to rewrite the long version for the billionth time--mental note, write out the details BEFORE going to use the Internet.

Today is our one week anniversary of our departure from Portland to India, which for the record, I'm willing to bet is about as far as you can travel without actually circumnavigating the globe. Which means, although a week ago today we began our journey, we didn't arrive in La India until last Wednesday about 9:30 pm local time (13 1/2 hours ahead of Pacific coast time.) And that 25 hours of travel, give or take, was just to get to Delhi. Photos of our slow descent into madness and delirium after those hours will be posted soon for your viewing pleasure.

There are, of course, many stories of adventures and "learning experiences" which I'll get to over the next few posts, but for now, the bare bones--arrive in Delhi. Wrestle our two duffle bags, two packs, one sitar, and one gourd into an Al Capone-Chicago gangster style taxi. And our two exhausted selves. Go to hotel where reservation had been made. Manager informs us NO reservation has been made. Interesting. 11:00 pm and five billion hotels later...pay too much for a room but are in no position to bargain. Clearly we are desperate. Asi es la vida (can't say that in Hindi yet.) But there's a bed and windows and an Indian-style bathroom (that's right...no t.p.). Collapse into sleep.

Next morning, wrestle our things back into the same taxi and slowly and leisurely make our way through the well-behaved traffic of India's capital. HA! But we accept the possibility of death (if we could do it in Guatemala, we can do it here) and eventually make our way to the bus station. Seven hours later we're in Jaipur after passing camels, donkeys, cars without sideview mirrors, and so many amazing colors--gold bangles, green yellow pink blue saris, red cliffs. Josh's teacher sends his brother and nephew to pick us up...achaa (that's "good"). They swooped down and before we knew it, we were tucked away in their beautiful ancestral home, where at least 25 people live.

And finally, on Friday, we put our bags down in our very own apartment. The days have been full of chai, learning Hindi, lots of practice, lots of writing, negotiating at the market, visiting temples, and meeting kind and generous people everywhere.

More details and charming anecdotes to follow soon.

With love and peace,


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Achaa! Hurray for bright colors and bangles and chai and yoga and blog posts! I am glad to see that you two are safely acclimating after your almost-demi-circumnavigation. Send me your address, yo! I am faster than a mongoose but not quite as fast as a leopard!

8:52 PM  

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